This super stylish micro lodge offers a luxurious stay in an Area of Outstanding Natural Beauty near the historic town of Biggar. With a BBQ and a hot tub from where you can lie back and take in the superb views, this is the perfect romantic retreat.
Inside, the décor is immaculate and minimal, with contemporary soft greys and creams and natural wood finishes, creating a tasteful, relaxing environment. The underfloor heating ensures cosy nights and toasty toes in the morning.
Entering the lodge from the raised deck area, you come straight into the open plan living area, with a large corner sofa and a bijou table for two where you can enjoy a romantic dinner before relaxing on the sofa in front of the TV. Further back into the lodge is the neat, well equipped kitchen, opposite the cosy double bed which is partially screened off from the lounge area.
In the morning, enjoy a hot shower in the light and airy bathroom at the far end of the lodge, before wandering out onto the deck with a cup of steaming coffee to contemplate the day ahead. Outside, the stylish decked area is beautifully designed with twin chairs, a picnic table, a BBQ and a hot tub, neatly enclosed in one corner.
Sit outside with a drink in the sunshine or cook up a tasty meal on the BBQ before enjoying a relaxing soak in the hot tub after a day out in the fresh air. There s plenty of opportunities to spot local wildlife from here, including deer, squirrels, barn owls and hares.